Anna lehen izen definizioa

Anna izen definizioa: izen hori beste hizkuntzatan, ortografia eta ahoskera aldaeraetan, Anna izeneko aldaera femeninoak eta gizonezkoak.

Definitu Anna

Form of Channah (see Hannah) used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament. Many later Old Testament translations, including the English, use the Hannah spelling instead of Anna. The name appears briefly in the New Testament belonging to a prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. It was a popular name in the Byzantine Empire from an early date, and in the Middle Ages it became common among Western Christians due to veneration of Saint Anna (usually known as Saint Anne in English), the name traditionally assigned to the mother of the Virgin Mary. In the English-speaking world, this form came into general use in the 18th century, joining Ann and Anne.

The name was borne by several Russian royals, including an 18th-century empress of Russia. It is also the name of the main character in Leo Tolstoy's novel 'Anna Karenina' (1877), about a married aristocrat who begins an ultimately tragic relationship with Count Vronsky.

Anna neska-izen bat da?

Bai, izena Anna genero femeninoa du.

Non sortzen da Anna izena?

Izena Anna arruntena Ingelesa, Italiako, Alemaniako, Holandako, Suediako, Norvegiako, Danimarkako, Finlandiaiera, Estonian, Letoniera, Greziako, Hungarian, Poloniera, Errusiako, Ukrainanra, Bielorrusiakoian, Txekiera, Eslovakiako, Bulgariera, Islandiera, Faroese, Catalán, Okzi zerbitzuan.

Izenburu antzeko izenak Anna

Beste izen batzuk Anna izenburuko ortografia

Αννα (greziar), Анна (errusiera, ukrainera, bielorrusiera, bulgariera, Church Slavic)

Anna izenaren aldaerak