Guinevere lehen izen definizioa

Guinevere izen definizioa: izen hori beste hizkuntzatan, ortografia eta ahoskera aldaeraetan, Guinevere izeneko aldaera femeninoak eta gizonezkoak.

Definitu Guinevere

From the Norman French form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, derived from the elements gwen meaning "fair, white" and sebara meaning "phantom, magical being". In Arthurian legend she was the beautiful wife of King Arthur. According to the 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth, she was seduced by Mordred before the battle of Camlann, which led to the deaths of both Mordred and Arthur. According to the 12th-century French poet Chrétien de Troyes, she engaged in an adulterous affair with Sir Lancelot.

The Cornish form of this name, Jennifer, has become popular in the English-speaking world.

Guinevere neska-izen bat da?

Bai, izena Guinevere genero femeninoa du.

Non sortzen da Guinevere izena?

Izena Guinevere arruntena Arthurian erromantzeak zerbitzuan.

Guinevere izenaren aldaerak