Julius lehen izen definizioa

Julius izen definizioa: izen hori beste hizkuntzatan, ortografia eta ahoskera aldaeraetan, Julius izeneko aldaera femeninoak eta gizonezkoak.

Definitu Julius

From a Roman family name which was possibly derived from Greek ιουλος (ioulos) "downy-bearded". Alternatively, it could be related to the name of the Roman god Jupiter. This was a prominent patrician family of Rome, who claimed descent from the mythological Julus, son of Aeneas. Its most notable member was Gaius Julius Caesar, who gained renown as a military leader for his clever conquest of Gaul. After a civil war he became the dictator of the Roman Republic, but was eventually stabbed to death in the senate.

Although this name was borne by several early saints, including a pope, it was rare during the Middle Ages. It was revived in Italy and France during the Renaissance, and was subsequently imported to England.

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Bai, izena Julius genero maskulinoa du.

Julius izena duen emakumezkoen forma

Izena Julius antzeko emakumezkoak izenak ditu. Julius izena duen emakumearen izenak:

Non sortzen da Julius izena?

Izena Julius arruntena Antzinako erromatarra, Ingelesa, Alemaniako zerbitzuan.

Julius izenaren aldaerak

Izenak Julius gisa ahoskatu